Remembering you are the light…when you feel like death

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Image courtsey of Andreas Dress, Unsplash

So, another December day, another devotional.

This one, same place (Retreat House) but, slighty different tone than the previous one. (Found here if you missed the first Advent devotional I wrote for 2020. It’s been a tough, alright?)

Anyways, this current one, a bit more hopeful. The first one? Well, it’s like 2020 got a hold of it like a dog with a bone. But net-net is still the same: God loves us and can handle any weird, uncomfortable, ungrateful feeling or mood we have. Thank goodness. I have so many.

This one however, is about the light.

And how we forget we’re the light (guilty) and also, how when we go through dark times, we can still be a light, a beacon of hope for someone else. Especially meaningful to me on those days when I’d personally like to crawl back in bed and request a do-over.

I wrote this for you, and also for me; a song I play back to myself on days that are tough.

Hope you enjoy.

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